About docnroll

docnrollTM is located in southwestern France, in the cross-border region of Atlantic Pyrenees where the mountain chain’s few remaining bears still roam. This culturally rich region draws influences from Spain, the Basque Country, and the United Kingdom.

docnrollTM is owned and managed by French-born translator Philippe Carino,who has lived in a number of countries throughout the years and has strong expertise in international business development and IT.

“As founder of docnrollTM with years of work experience in a variety of
cultural environments, I will always provide the highest level of customer
satisfaction. After all, we’re not successful unless you’re successful!”

Philippe Carino-docnroll™M

Photo Philippe Carino
  • Highlv experienced translator and interpreter teams located all
    around the world, specializing in business, IT, and more
  • Top-tier human quality control based on a comprehensive
    translation methodology
  • Cutting-edge translation technology software that promotes
    consistency to your documents
  • Strong cultural understanding
  • Customer-oriented service